• Acute discount campaigns based on quantity

Acute Discount Campaigns based on quantity

This extension will improve your store sales by applying smart volume discounts that encourage the buyer to buy more products. So, the total order discount depends on the number of positions in the invoice/receipt.

Extension is fairly simple, you can make the following campaigns out of the box easily:

  • Every second product in the cart at a discount of 50%;
  • Every 5-th item for free;
  • Discount for the 2nd item - 30%, for the third - 40%, for the 4th - 50%

...and so on

How does the extension select the promotional items? Is buyer able to cheat and manipulate discounted items?

No, of course, the module does not handle items in the order as they were added to cart. All goods in the cart are pre-sorted by price from the most expensive to cheapest, and only then items covered by the campaign are calculated.

Installation notes and usage hints

Module works both for 1.5.x and 2.x Opencart versions!

1. Unpack archive and upload content of the acute_discounts.zip archive to your server (store root)

2. If you have Opencart version 2.2 or above installed, upload acute_discounts_update_2.2.zip to your store(replace some files from step 1)

3. Go to the admin panel, “Modules -> Order Totals” and install the module.



Module status: when it is off –campaign is disabled.

Start - End campaign dates

Set the duration of the campaign, or leave these fields blank if the campaign has infinite duration. Any field can be empty (so, you can make campaign before or after specified date). However, the module status has priority. If it is turned off, the campaign is turned off anyway.


Text, that will see the buyer during the checkout as one of the total line. Following templates are available, that will be substituted by actual data for promotional products:

{PRODUCT_NAME} - discounted product name;

{DISCOUNT} – discount percentage.

This field support HTML code, so you can apply css styles and  use html tags for customization.

Skip products with active special prices

If this option is set "Yes", the module will not take into account products in cart that has active special price

Combine the same total lines into one

If this option is set "Yes",  the same products with the same discount will be combined into a single total line.

Example:  there are 4 iPhones in a cart, each 2nd has 50% discount.

When the option is "No", there are two lines in the "Total":

Iphone 5s with a 50 % discount  $-50.50

Iphone 5s with a 50 % discount  $-50.50

When the option is "Yes":

2 x Iphone 5s with a 50 % discount  $-101.00

Apply campaign for every N item in the cart

Quantity modifier. A discount will be applied to each N-th product  (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)

Campaign type

1. Fixed: Every N item in the cart will have a fixed discount, specified in the next field

2. Set discounts from the list: In this case, you have to create a list of discounts. For each promotional product (ordered from cheap to more expensive) one discount from the list will be applied.

When discounts list is ended, but there are promotional items left in the cart

- Stop campaign

- Assign all remaining promotional products last discount from the list

This setting is applied only when discounts are set by list.

Example: We’ve applied following discounts list: 30;40;50 and the number of promotional items in the cart is 5. In first case ("Stop campaign"), the module will apply only 3 discounts for the 3 cheapest cart items. In the second ("Assign all remaining ...") – all promotional products will have discounts: 30;40;50;50;50

Sort order

Set up the order number. It should be more than the value of "Sub-Total" module and less then "Total" module. It is usually 6 or 7.

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Acute discount campaigns based on quantity

  • 350.00 р.